Michelin 3 Star Restaurants in Germany

There are 10 Michelin 3 Star Restaurants in Germany, including establishments run by the likes of Joachim Wissler, Christian Jürgens and Kevin Fehling.

If you’re looking for Michelin 3 Star Restaurants in Germany with rooms you’ll find five star accommodation at, among others, Hotel Schloss Bensberg in Bergisch Gladbach, The Ritz-Carlton in Wolfsburg and Althoff Seehotel in Rottach-Egern.

For the remaining restaurants we’ve included links to the best nearby accommodation.

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Michelin 3 Star Restaurants in Germany - Restaurant Vendôme at Hotel Schloss Bensberg, Bergisch Gladbach

Restaurant Vendôme at Hotel Schloss Bensberg, Bergisch Gladbach

Michelin 3 Star Restaurants in Germany - aqua at The Ritz-Carlton, Wolfsburg

aqua at The Ritz-Carlton, Wolfsburg

Michelin 3 Star Restaurants in Germany - Überfahrt Restaurant by Christian Jürgens at Althoff Seehotel, Rottach-Egern

Überfahrt Restaurant at Althoff Seehotel, Rottach-Egern

Michelin 3 Star Restaurants in Germany - Schwarzwaldstube at Hotel Traube Tonbach, Baiersbronn

Schwarzwaldstube at Hotel Traube Tonbach, Baiersbronn

Michelin 3 Star Restaurants in Germany - Victor's Fine Dining by Christian Bau at Victors Hotel SchlossBerg, Nennig

Victor’s Fine Dining at Victors Hotel SchlossBerg, Nennig

Michelin 3 Star Restaurants in Germany - la vie, Osnabrück

Restaurant la vie, Osnabrück

Michelin 3 Star Restaurants in Germany - GästeHaus Klaus Erfort, Saarbrücken

GästeHaus Klaus Erfort, Saarbrücken

Michelin 3 Star Restaurants in Germany - Waldhotel Sonnora, Dreis

Waldhotel Sonnora, Dreis

Michelin 3 Star Restaurants in Germany - The Table, Hamburg

The Table, Hamburg

Michelin 3 Star Restaurants in Germany - Restaurant Bareiss at Hotel Bareiss

Restaurant Bareiss at Hotel Bareiss, Baiersbronn